24.09.2023Falling in Love with a Machine—What Happens if the Only Affection a Person Gets is from Machines?BH, B. H., KW, K. W., JL, J. L., Carros, F., Wierling, A., & Preussner, A. (2022). Falling in Love with a Machine—What Happens if […]
Demystifying Artificial Consciousness – About Attributions, Black Swans, and Suffering MachinesJournal of AI Humanities Vol.9 (December 2021) Will artificial systems one day be able to have consciousness? Would this be human-like, or completely different? And […]
01.01.2023Will the crown of creation be placed on a new head? Conscious AI systems in the focus of technical developments.Artificial intelligences are increasingly being installed in the political arena and are often portrayed in a human-like manner. The closer resemblance of such dialog-capable, semi-autonomous […]
25.06.2021Human Image without People: Subject Constitution in the Mirror of Synthetic CompetitionThe digitization of our living environment calls for images of people that actually take “people” into account and design digital systems and processes in a […]
11.08.2019Robotics and the attribution of consciousnessReinhard Heil, Christian Wadephul, Karsten Wendland (2019): Robotik und die Zuschreibung von Bewusstsein. Published in: Fülling, Hanna; Meier, Gernot: Die digitale Revolution und ihre Kinder. Brennpunkte […]